
*はじめに。 このブログは、ヤフー・ブログから移行したものです。当初は、釈尊(お釈迦様・ゴータマブッダ)と宮沢賢治を探究してましたが、ある時点で、両者と距離をおくことにしました。距離を置くとはどういうことかと言いますと、探究の対象を信仰しないということです。西暦2020年となった今でも、生存についても宇宙についても確かな答えは見つかっていません。解脱・涅槃も本当の幸せも、完全な答えではありません。沢山の天才が示してくれた色々な生き方の中の一つだと思います。例えば、日本は絶対戦争しないで平和を維持出来るとおもいますか?実態は、戦争する可能性のもとに核兵器で事実上の武装をしています。釈尊の教えを達成したり絶対帰依していれば、戦争が始まっても傍観しているだけです。実際、中世インドでイスラム軍団が侵攻してきたとき、仏教徒の多くは武力での応戦はしなかったそうです(イスラム側の記録)。それも一つの生き方です。私は、武装した平和主義ですから、同じ民族が殺戮や圧政(現にアジアの大国がやっている)に踏みにじられるのは見過ごせない。また、こうしてこういうブログを書いているのは、信仰を持っていない証拠です。


このアーカイブは、ルアンポル・ティエン師が亡くなるまでの5年間、師の治療にあたった医療関係者たちによってまとめられた「AN INTERVIEW WITH AN AWAKENED MASTER LUANGPOR TEEAN - The Singular並外れた Quality of an Ordinary Monk- (悟られた師、ルアンポル・ティエンとの質疑応答 -見た目は普通なモンク(比丘)の並外れた奥深い人格- )」というテキストの私読です。






* ルアンポル・ティエン(Luangpor Teean)師のタイ語の表記とタイ語の発音は、下記参照。

 หลวง(luaang=ルアン)พ่อ(phaaw=ポー)เทียน(thiian=ティアン)จิตตสุโภ(ji dtoht soo pho:h=ジドゥスポorチタスポ) 下記URLは、このタイ語の辞書のサイト
 また、時々日本に帰国している、タイ・スカトー寺の副住職[現or元]のプラ・ユキ・ナラテボー師という日本人の比丘が居ります。プラ・ユキ師は、ルアンポル・ティエン師の直弟子であるスカトー寺住職ルアンポル・カムキアン(Loo-ang por Kamkee-an suvanno)師に師事されているそうです。プラ・ユキ師は日本語の瞑想関係書を出版しておられます。プラ・ユキ師はタイ語が堪能なようですので、著書にルアンポル・ティエン(Luangpor Teean)師の読み方の日本語の適切な表記もあるかと思います。

AN INTERVIEW WITH AN AWAKENED MASTER LUANGPOR TEEAN - The Singular並外れた Quality of an Ordinary Monk- (悟られた師、ルアンポル・ティエンとの質疑応答 -見た目は普通なモンク(比丘)の並外れた奥深い人格- )
 by Vatana Supromajakr, M.D. English translation by Bhikkhu Nirodho

If you had had the chance to meet Luangpor Teean, you would probably have seen him as just another elderly monk, one who was calm and spoke little, very like other elderly monks that can be met with in this country.
But if you had given some attention to observing him, you would have noticed that, along withとともに his calmness, he was at all times very collected, alert and aware of himself.
In 1957, when he was nearly forty-six, Luangpor Teean left his home with firm determination not to return unless he found the Truth. He went to Wat Rangsimukdaram, Tambol Pannprao, Amphur Tabon in Nongkai Province and practiced a simple form of bodily movements except that he did not follow the formal rituals and recitation of the words like others did. What he did was only being aware of the movements of the body and mind. Within a couple of days, on the early morning of the eleventh day of the waxing moon, the eighth month of 1957, his mind reached the End of Suffering completely without traditional rituals or teachers .
(この部分は、「A manual of Self-awareness」の中の師の略伝(略歴)のところを参照。)
When we had the chance to ask him about various problems, we experienced the uniqueness of this ordinary monk, a person who was nearly illiterate and who emphasized and taught the single subject of sati (sustained awareness of oneself) at all times.
He exhibited very clear wisdom of the most penetrating kind in responding to our questions. His answers to all questions were remarkable to such an extent that we could label it 'incredible' that a person lacking the formal education that we so value had the ability to answer and explain in a way that was at once so simple, clear, deeply meaningful, precise and clearly understandable, explanations capable of fully putting our doubts to rest.
How we label or categorize Luangpor Teean is of no importance. What is important is his teaching.
His answers, even to very simple and basic questions, are full of value, just like the lighting of a lamp in a dark place: they dispel the darkness, creating a brightness that helps us to see the way and gives rise to the illumination of wisdom.
His answers will be of benefit, to a greater or lesser extent, to those who aspire and are in search, those who are lost in darkness: unknowing, doubtful, not understanding.
During the final five years of Luangpor Teean's life, I and my medical colleagues who were caring for him asked him questions from time to time in order to ease our doubts.
The following answers, teachings and views have been gathered and recorded in order to make them available to those who might find them of use.
There is no intention here to praise or display devotion to Luangpor Teean, nor to promote or try to create faith in him: it is the reader's responsibility to consider the following with deliberation and discrimination, to examine and understand by oneself -- this is a responsibility and a right that we should all respect.

Luangpor Teean said of religion that "religion is the person". When we heard or read this, we failed to understand, therefore we asked him, "Is religion really 'the person' or not?"
He answered as follows:
"'Religion' is merely a word that we use to label the teaching of a person by a person who is considered to understand the truth or nature of human life.
Such teachings are various. If we speak of 'religion', it might give rise to doubts and arguments and disputes, therefore please allow me to not speak of this.
But if you want to know about the actuality, the true nature of our life (Dhamma), I will tell you; when you have understood, your doubts about 'religion' will disappear."

I once asked Luangpor Teean how it came about that he was inspired to search for Dharma.
He explained that he had strictly followed traditional practices his whole life, had observed the moral precepts devoutly, made merit and practised generosity at every opportunity, and offered Kathina robes each year, but that on the last occasion that he had organizedthe Kathina offerings, a dispute concerning the merit-making arose between him and members of his family.
I therefore," he continued, "considered as follows: how was it that, having kept the precepts, made merit, and practised generosity to the fullest, I could still have suffering arise within my mind? In light of this, I decided from that moment on to seek true Dharma, that which would free me from the grasp of dukkha (Suffering)."


Luangpor Teean once told us that for a long time he had believed, incorrectly, that Dharma was something outside our body, something external like clothing that has to be sought for and then put on and worn.
But in actuality, Dharma is already present within us right now.

* Dharmaという用語は、多義です。ここでは、私に関する「本当のこと」「ありのままの真実」「真理」というような意味だと思います。私を苦しめる苦は、私に関する事柄なのです。ですから、苦から完全に解放されたいと思うなら、私のことを知らなければならないのだと思います。

Referring to the study of Dharma, Luangpor Teean said, "To study the Dharma merely for the purpose of discussion and debate is of little use. We have to apply and use it, and practise it to the fullest, then it will yieldもたらす great benefit."

I was always in doubt as to why the Venerable Ananda, in spite of listening to, hearing and knowing the teachings of the Buddha (i.e. the Dharma) more completely than anyone else, was not fully Awakened to actual Dharma.
Luangpor Teean explained: "Venerable Ananda knew a lot about the Buddha, that is true, but he did not yet know himself. After the Buddha passed away, Ananda studied to really know himself, and therefore succeeded in attaining full Awakening."

6. Luangpor Teean Teaches "Outside the Texts"?(ルアンポル・ティエンは聖典から外れた教えを教えているのか?)

I once mentioned to Luangpor Teean that, whereas people generally hold strongly to the Tipitaka (the Pali Canon) as the authoritative text when studying Buddhism, when he himself taught he hardlyほとんど--でない ever mentioned the Tipitaka.
Luangpor pointed out,
"The Buddha's Teaching was recorded in the Tipitaka several hundred years after the Buddha passed away, and this text was then copied and recopied over a period of thousands of years.
The teachings were probably recorded very well, but it is possible to doubt that the reader will now understand what those who recorded the teachings meant.
For me to refer merely to the texts all the time would be like guaranteeing the truth of the claims of another, claims of which I am not certain. But the things that I tell you I am able to guarantee, because I speak from my own direct experience.
The text is like a map: it is suitable for those who don't know the way to go, or have not yet arrived at the destination. For one that has arrived, the map no longer means anything.
Another point about the Tipitaka is that it was written in the language used in a certain region of India, and was consequently appropriate for people from that area or for those who have learned to read that language.
But Dharma taught by the Buddha is not something that can be monopolized by anybody: it transcends language, race, gender, and era. If we really know Dharma, we will teach it and express it in our own language, in our own words.
The study of the Tipitaka is good in itself, but don't attach to and get lost in the specific words used.
Mangoes, for example, are referred to by different words in different languages; don't fall into dispute over words and interpretations or become obsessed with the notion that only one word correctly names the fruit, while meanwhile neglecting the mango and letting it go rotten. Anyone that eats a mango must know the actual taste of the fruit, no matter what name it is given, or even if it is given no name at all."

7. Deceived By Thought(思考に騙されている)

Luangpor Teean said that we human beings are always thinking, just like the ever-flowing current of a river. Being lost in and deceived by thought is like scooping out water and storing it up. But if we have sati (awareness) seeing thought immediately as it really is, it is like the water flowing freely up and passing on by. Being lost in and deceived by thought gives rise to suffering.

8. Suffering(苦)

In discussing Samudaya, the cause of suffering, someone once asked Luangpor Teean to explain what suffering was. Luangpor placed an object on his hand and then clenched the hand tightly, making a fist. He then turned the fist over and opened the hand. Indicating the thing that had dropped from his hand to the ground, he pointed out, "This is suffering."
The questioner understood immediately that suffering is a thing that we conceive and assume and then seize hold of firmly, and that it can be released. Luangpor said that someone who can understand this quickly is one with wisdom.

9. What Is It Like When "The Rope Breaks"?(ロープが切れた時というのはどういうようなものなのですか?)

In reading Luangpor Teean's account of his experience of practising Dharma, it is difficult to understand what is meant when, in describing the final stage of his practice, he uses the simile of it being as if a rope that had been stretched tightly between two posts suddenly broke in the middle and could never again be reattached.

When questioned about this, Luangpor elaborated: "Words are merely sounds that are used by convention to mean certain things, but the words that can explain the 'state' about which you are asking don't exist.

If we were to place a certain amount of white paint one centimetre away from a similar amount of black paint and to mix them until they were thoroughly blended, we would name the colour in the middle 'gray', wouldn't we? But if the white paint were placed ten metres away from the black paint and the two were gradually mixed until well-blended, you would find that there were no words to explain the shade of the colour at any one point in such a way that another person would know that shade: the colour must be experienced directly.


Have you ever looked at rain clouds? They appear to be different shapes and forms. But if we are in an aircraft and fly into the clouds, we don't see them as we did before we entered.
There are no words to explain the 'state' you are asking about: it is beyond language. It's useless speculating or trying to imagine it, or thinking to oneself that it has to be like this, like that: you must know for yourself, you must see for yourself, you must experience it."
雨雲を見たことがありますね? あなたはそんな雨雲が実にいろんな形状を見せているのをご存知ですね。ところが、私たちが飛行機に乗ってその雨雲の中に飛び込んでしまうと、雨雲の中に突入する前に見ていたような(いわゆる雲らしい)形状を見つけることは出来ません。あなたが質問したような”状態(様子)”を説明できる言葉は見つからないのです。そういう"状態(様子)”というものは、言葉(による表現という範疇)を超えているのです(*avaroはクオリアと同じような考え方と考えます)。推測したり、その状態(様子)を何とかイメージに固定しようとしたり、頭の中でこれに近い、あれに近いと想定してみたりしてもほとんど意味がないのです(そういうことは結局うまくいかない)。(正しいやり方は)あなた自身でそれを知り、あなた自身でそれを見、それを実体験することなのです。

10. Trivial Problems(些細で取るに足らない問題)

Luangpor Teean once commented that many of the people who came to see him asked him only about trivial problems, such as how much merit they would acquire by doing such-and-such, or whether it was true that they would be reborn to a new life after death, and so on. It was seldomめったにしない that somebody would ask what Buddhism really teaches and how that teaching was to be applied in practice, or would ask what it was that needed to be done in order to reduce suffering. Luangpor responded only to what he was asked: it would, he felt, have been inappropriate for him to himself raise and answer questions of substance.

11. Reality And Supposition(ありのままの本当のことと仮定しただ想定しているだけに過ぎないこと)

Luangpor Teean said that humans are long-lived, and think and remember much more than do animals. When people live together in large communities, it becomes necessary to establish rules and conventions for the sake of social harmony. As time passes, however, later generations come to regard these conventions that have been created by the human mind as being independent reality. When someone points out that, far from being reality, these things are actually shared suppositions, most people will refuse to see this: this refusal is very common.

What is called 'money', for example, is actually paper," Luangpor remarked. "When we try to use it, people accepting it gives it its value; if people won't accept it, then it is no more than paper. In our current society we use money as a means of exchange. Anyone who has no money will find it difficult to live. With money we can buy convenience and comfort, but the extinction of dukkha (Suffering) is something no amount of money can buy."

12. The Practice Of Dharma(ダンマの修行)

I once asked why Dharma is taught and practised differently in different meditation centres, even though we all have the Buddha in common as our original teacher.

Luangpor Teean replied, "This is quite normal. It is said that even in the Buddha's time there were 108 different groups, each one claiming that its teaching was correct and that the other 107 groups were following wrong views.
We must use our intelligence and consider carefully for ourselves. To be either gullible or sceptical and of closed mind, each is equally misguided. Any way of practice that leads to the extinguishingof dukkha (Suffering) is proper and correct. As far as Dharma itself is concerned, all who know its actuality will have the same perception."

When somebody asked whether various forms of Dharma practice other than the one he taught were good or not, Luangpor answered, "Good for them, but not for us."

13. Does Practising Insight Meditation Lead To Madness?(洞察による瞑想の修行をすると狂気になるというのは本当か?)

We once asked Luangpor Teean whether it was true, as some psychiatrists had charged, that practising vipassana (insight) meditation caused people to become mad.
Luangpor answered, "A person who doesn't know and isn't truly familiar with his or her own mind as it actually is, that is a mad person. Practising vipassana meditation is studying to know one's own real mind. If practising meditation ever does lead to madness, it is not vipassana."

14. Nirvana(ニルバーナ=ニッバーナ=涅槃)

Luangpor Teean told us of a conversation he had once had with a layman who, after an act of making merit, expressed the wish that his merit-making result in him entering Nirvana (the extinction of Suffering) in the future.

Luangpor asked him, "When do you expect to arrive at Nirvana?" "After I have died," the villager replied. "Do you really want to get to Nirvana?" Luangpor inquired. "Yes, I really want to get there." Luangpor then said, "Well if that's the case then you should die as soon as possible and then you'll reach Nirvana very quickly."
(この願いを聞いていた)ルアンポルがその在家信者に「あなたは何時ニルバーナに到達したいのですか?」と聞きました。「死んでからです」とその在家の村人が答えました。「あなたは本気でニルバーナを達成したいと願っているのですか?」と、ルアンポルが念を押しました。「はい、私は本気でそこに達したいと願っています。」(と、その村人が答えました) そこで、ルアンポルがその村人(在家信者)にこう言いました。「よろしい。それほど真剣な気持ちなんだったら、あなたは出来るだけ早く死になさい。そうすれば、それだけ早くニルバーナに到達出来ます。」

The villager was bewildered: "But I don't want to die yet."
"But since you want to go to Nirvana, why don't you want to die quickly?"

This shows that you have misunderstood," Luangpor pointed out to the villager. "The Buddha never taught people to go to Nirvana when they had already died, but he taught living people to reach Nirvana while still alive."

15. Why Did He Ordain?(悟ってから、ルアンポルは何故受戒したのか?)

Since apparently Luangpor Teean had understood Dharma while he was still a layman, why had he ordained as a monk? "The monkhood serves as the institution representing or symbolizing those who practise the Buddha's Teaching well, the true Sangha," Luangpor explained. "Being a monk makes it much easier to teach people about dukkha (Suffering) and its extinction."
ルアンポル・ティエンは確かにダンマを本当に知って(悟りを開いて)からも、まだ在家信者のままでいた。(それなのに)何故、彼はモンク(比丘)となる受戒をしたのだろうか(在家信者→比丘)? (この疑問に答えてルアンポルが言った)「僧職(比丘という身分)というものは、ブッダの教えを正しく実践している人々、本当のサンガ(教団)を代表し・象徴する制度であり、また、苦とはどういうものなのか、その苦をどうやって消滅させられるのかということを分かりやすく人々に教える工夫をしているモンク(比丘)の制度なのです。」と、ルアンポル説明してくれました。

16. A Rock Pressing Down The Grass(草を押しつぶしている岩)

I once asked Luangpor Teean about the usefulness of sitting practising Concentration Meditation. He replied that this kind of meditation was widely practised before the time of the Buddha. "Such meditation gives rise to a tranquil state of mind, but that is only temporary. When we emerge出てくる from the concentrated state, our mind is still subject to greed, anger and delusion, it has not really changed.
私は以前ルアンポル・ティエンに、坐って精神集中する瞑想の修行をやって成果をあげられるかどうか尋ねたことがあります。彼は、この種の瞑想(法)はブッダの時代以前から広く実践されていたのです、と次のように詳しく答えてくれました。「そういう瞑想(法)をやっていると、心の平静さ(tranwuil)が生じてきます。しかし、それ(心の平静さ)は、ホンの一時的なものなのです。精神集中した状態(サマディとかジャーナのこと? その状態で心はきわめて平静となるようです)から出てくると(精神集中を解く)、その人の心はいまだ貪欲・怒り・妄想の支配下にあるのです(精神集中状態のなかでのみ、平静であり、貪欲・怒り・妄想から解放されている)。その人の心は本当に変わっていないのです(貪欲以下の支配を脱していない)。

It is like placing a rock upon the grass. Even though the grass under the rock may wither, as soon as it is exposed to sunlight the grass will grow again. This is different from Insight Meditation (vipassana), which gives rise to knowing and understanding, to wisdom, the mind changing to a fundamentally better, more normal condition."

17. Vessantara(ヴェッサンタラ)

We once asked about the case of Vessantara, who is traditionally held up as the very model of the perfection of generosity. Yet what he did seems to be an act of great irresponsibility towards his wife and children. Is it true that his act of giving away his family led to him being reborn as the Buddha?

Luangpor Teean answered, "The story of Vessantara is a story that has been passed down through many, many generations. If you think that it is true, then you should follow his example, and give your wife and children to the labourers or farmers in order to help them in their work, and thus you will perfect yourself and become a Buddha. But let me present to you the following comparison: that what you have with you now, what you are as bound to as to your children or wife, are greed, anger and delusion: give them away, relinquish them completely: are you able to understand this?"

18. Believing(信じる)

Luangpor Teean always said that we should neither believe something immediately nor reject it immediately: we should consider and deliberate very carefully first, or put it to the test, and then either believe it or not.
Luangpor remarked that the history of the Buddha provides examples on this point. Angulimala was someone who believed too readily. He always followed his teacher's instructions, and even when ordered to kill a great number of people, he did so. On the other hand we have the case of the recluse Upaka, who was the first person to meet the Buddha after the Buddha's Awakening. Even though Upaka recognized in the Buddha characteristics that aroused trust and confidence, he was not willing to believe that the Buddha had become Awakened by himself, and so went on his way, and missed the opportunity to learn from the Buddha.

19. Those Who Understand His Teaching(ティエン師の教えを理解する人)

We once asked Luangpor Teean about the number of people who, after hearing him teach Dharma or after having been instructed by him, could understand his teaching. "Probably no more than ten to fifteen percent," Luangpor answered. "This is quite normal. A person who is developed will be ready and able to understand. But most people interested in Buddhism are still firmly attached to customary practices, such as the making of merit."

20. People Protect Morality / Morality Protects People? (人々は戒などの徳目を忠実に守っている。では、それらの徳目は人々をちゃんと守るのだろうか?)

Luangpor Teean often asked, "Why do we observe moral precepts in a manner similar to taking care of a glass so as to prevent it from breaking? Why don't we live and practise to have morality, that is, the mind that is normal, truly in our lives? Morality will then take care of us, rather than we having to worry about looking after morality."
ルアンポル・ティエン(Luangpor Teean)師は、良くこんなことを問いかけてきました。何故私たちは、ガラス製のコップを割らないようにしようとして細心の注意を払うように徳目(戒)を遵守していんだろうね? 何故私たちは徳目を(observeするのではなく)身につけようとして生活し、訓練修行しないのかねぇ! 徳目っていうものは、ノーマルな心のことなんだがね、本当に私たち自身の中に備わっているんだがねぇ(*avaro:ただし、訓練practiseしなければ顕現しない)。そうなれば、徳目をキチンと守れているかどうかなんてくよくよ心配する必要なんかなくなるし、むしろそうした方(to have morality)が、徳目が私たちをしっかりとケア(庇護)してくれるのにねぇ。

21. Merit(功徳)

I asked Luangpor Teean, "Does making merit really give me merit?"
Luangpor asked in turn "What do you understand merit to be?"
When I told him that I understood merit to be a good outcome or destinyさだめ that we receive after we die, in exchange for the good that we have done, he asked, "Have you ever heard the monks' chant that lists the benefits of making the Kathina offering, that it will lead to us reaching heaven where the sprites, numbering 500 or 1000 beings, will be our dedicated followers? Now consider the number of temples that there are in Thailand. If there is a Kathina offering every year in every temple, where could enough sprites be found for everyone who made merit? We imagine in this way that monks are like bank accountants responsible for calculating the interest owed to us after we die, do we?"
I further inquired of Luangpor, "If this is so, what is your view of the making of merit by giving material things, as is generally done nowadays?"
He answered as follows: "Making merit by giving material things is a good thing to do, but it is like husked rice, which is of use only for growing seedlings. If we are to benefit from eating rice, we must eat boiled or steamed rice, not uncooked or husked rice. To be attached to making merit by giving material things in a superstitious way is one form of delusion: to be lost in darkness, even if in this case it is in contrast to Dark Luminosity, a white darkness.
Merit at its highest, in its consummation, is to really know oneself, to be without dukkha (Suffering)."
私がルアンポル・ティエン(Luangpor Teean)に「お布施をすると本当に私に功徳がありますか(功徳を積めるか)?」と尋ねました。すると、ルアンポル・ティエン(Luangpor Teean)は(私に)次々と質問をしてきました。「君は功徳をどんなものだと思っているのかね?」「私は、それまでに私達が行ってきた善行に見合うものとして私たちが死後に受ける善果とか(天などの良いところに行ける)定めが功徳であると思っています。」と答えると、彼は(また)尋ねてきました。「君は今までに僧(比丘)が、カッシナのお布施をすれば、500人とか1000人とかの沢山の天女が君たちにまめまめしく仕えてくれるとされる天に行けるように(生まれ変われるように)してくれるという数々の御利益ゴリヤクを述べ立てる経文を詠唱するのを聞いたことがあるだろう? さて、タイにある無数の寺院(僧院)を考えてもらいたい。カッシナのお布施がどの寺院でも毎年行われるとすると、(どの寺院でも)お布施をして功徳を積もうとする人たちみんな(に将来仕えるはず)の十分な人数の天女たちをどこかで見つけられるのかね? どうだろうか。僧(比丘)は、まるで、私たちが死んだら私たちに対する支払い義務が生じる(お布施の功徳を積み立てた)利子をキチンと計算しておく銀行の経理担当者みたいだと思えないかね。」私は納得できずにさらに尋ねました。「仮に(功徳を積む行為が)そういうものだとして、それでは、あなた(ルアンポル・ティエン(Luangpor Teean))ご自身は今日でも普通に行われている物を差し上げるというお布施(功徳を積む行為)をどのようにお考えなのですか?」彼は以下のように答えてくれました。「物を差し上げるお布施(功徳を積む行為)自体は善いことを行っていると言えます。ただし、その行為(お布施をすること)は、譬えて言えば、殻付の米のようなもので、それはただ(苗床に播いて)実生の若芽を出させるのに役立つだけなのです。もしも私たちがお米を食べて(私たちにとって)御利益(米ですから栄養)を得ようとするなら、煮たり蒸したりしたお米を食べなくてはなりません。調理していない(生)米とか、殻付きの米では駄目なのです。迷信を本気で信じて物を差し上げるお布施(功徳を積む行為)を続けるのは、これも一つの迷妄(妄想)なのです。暗がりの中、この場合は、薄汚れたどす黒い暗闇とは対照的に(迷信を信じてやっているにしろ兎に角功徳を積む行為は)きれいな暗闇(同じ迷妄でも、色情などの穢れのないというような意味か?)だという違いはありますが、(いずれにしろ道しるべのない)暗闇の中でうろうろ彷徨っているのです。功徳(を積む行為)の中で一番なのは、dukkha(苦)のない状態になるために、ありのままに(本当に)自己を知ることなのです。
